Sunday, June 29, 2014



1.          A customer complains that the coffee tastes terrible, what should you do?
2.          Are you a leader or a follower?
3.          Are you a team player?
4.          Are you comfortable with Team and Environment
5.          Are you looking for a permanent or temporary position at the company?
6.          Are you reapplying for this position?
7.          Are you willing to relocated for employment?
8.          Are you willing to travel (for the job)?
9.          Being a chief economist of a country, list down steps for improvement in economic condition of the country?
10.        Briefly describe the type of career opportunity you are seeking.
11.        Briefly describe your career history and your special traits and abilities.
12.        Briefly describe your ideal job?
13.        Briefly describe your skills with computers, indicating how acquired them.
14.        Briefly describe your work experience providing administrative support in a professional office setting.
15.        Can you explain how you contact or initiate communications with customers?
16.        Can you give a live example of you motivating others in difficult situation ?
17.        Can you give us an example of where you have built rapport at work and how this has positively affected the business.
18.        Can you give us any real life example of your problem solving skills ?
19.        Can you relocate either now or in the future?
20.        Can you work as a part of global work team? or How will you work in a global work team?
21.        Careful listening and effective communication go together. Tell me about a specific time when your skill in listening helped you communicate better...
22.        Define yourself
23.        Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution of an activity or project.
24.        Describe a person you consider a leader
25.        Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your own character development
26.        Describe a situation where you had an irate customer and how did you handle it
27.        Describe a situation where you took responsibility without being asked.
28.        Describe a situation you took full responsibility for actions and outcome
29.        Describe a time when you have had to adapt how you have worked in order to achieve a business result
30.        Describe a time when you used your communication skills effectively?
31.        Describe a time you felt disappointed. What did you do?
32.        Describe a typical work day
33.        Describe a typical work week
34.        Describe an experience that you think out of the box.
35.        Describe an occasion when you went out of your way in order to assist a customer.
36.        Describe how do you coped during busy periods and what you did during periods of down-time.
37.        Describe in detail your experience supporting hardware?
38.        Describe the methods you use to make decisions?
39.        Describe the most significant written document, report or presentation which you had to complete
40.        Describe the work environment or culture and its management style in which you are most effective and experience the most success.
41.        Describe three of your characteristics.
42.        Describe what differentiates you from other candidates for this position.
43.        Describe what qualities would you like to see in a supervisor?
44.        Describe what you would classify as a crisis?
45.        Describe where you were born and raised
46.        Describe why you are passionate about this role.
47.        Describe work-related problems and how you solved them.
48.        Describe your ability to deal with conflict.
49.        Describe your compensation history and expectations?
50.        Describe your engineering management experience and how it can be applied to this position
51.        Describe your experience cultivating and managing key relationships with corporations, community and individuals for successful and on-going event management.
52.        Describe your past pet care experience and qualifications about how you take care of the different animals you encounter?
53.        Describe your work ethic.
54.        Describe yourself in one word and why?
55.        Do you apply the skills and knowledge learned at school in your work?
56.        Do you consider yourself overqualified for this position?
57.        Do you consider yourself successful?
58.        Do you enjoy working with other people?
59.        Do you enjoy working with other people?
60.        Do you feel that grades are a good indicator of your ability?
61.        Do you have any questions for me?
62.        Do you know anyone who works for us?
63.        Do you plan to get a graduate degree in the future?
64.        Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?
65.        Do you set goals for yourself?
66.        During an interview, what can you say that will set you apart from ?
67.        Example of a time you were asked to complete a task you believed to be outside of your job description?
68.        Give a brief statement as to why you think you would be suited to a Sales role?
69.        Give an example of a time when you have had to work as part of a team in order to achieve a task. Describe your role in the team and the outcome?
70.        Give an example of an achievement that you are proud of, either at school or in your working life?
71.        Give an example of when you achieved good teamwork?
72.        Give an example of when you had to deal with a crisis
73.        Give an example of when you have recently delivered excellent customer service. Please be explicit about the situation, your role within it and how you knew the customer was satisfied.
74.        Give me an example of a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get the job done.
75.        Give me an example where you accomplished several tasks in a limited time frame. How did you do this?
76.        Give us details of your present employment status.
77.        Give us your reasons for applying for this post?
78.        Have there been situations when you have lost your temper?
79.        Have you ever been fired?
80.        Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it resolved?
81.        Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
82.        Have you ever had to make a decision before you had all the data you wanted? Give an example. What did you do?
83.        How a business can best support its employees?
84.        How Ambitious are you?
85.        How can you contribute to our company?
86.        How can you satisfy the company if you are selected for this post
87.        How did you go about planning for a recent event/project you handled?
88.        How did you meet your quota?
89.        How did you prepare for this interview?
90.        How do you deal with others? With those who irritate you?
91.        How do you define Luxury Service?
92.        How do you define success?
93.        How do you determine or evaluate success?
94.        How do you establish a working relationship with new people?
95.        How do you evaluate yourself?
96.        How do you feel about taking 'no' for an answer?
97.        How do you handle an important assignment?
98.        How do you handle dishonesty?
99.        How do you handle frustration?
100.     How do you handle rejection?

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